Friday, July 31, 2009

Useless and Disfigured

why cant i be like others, who can stay in their job for the sake of money?
why cant i just bear with it and wait for the 5yr mark? It's like only less than 1.5yrs away??

im so damm lost now.
the plans didn't conclude, and now it's awaiting judgement.
blessing in disguise? an astounding yes and no.
wat am i to do next? wat if nothing comes up? wont i be ruining myself?
is it worth giving up this cushy, comfortable, financial-worry-free lifestyle for the unforseenable, unpredictable, unstable future?

dont tell me "only i have the answers to these questions".
coz if i do, i wont be writing this out.
and i know you cant do anything at all.

ezcema's back. and this time round, it came out in FULL force: right eyelid, lips, chin and both cheeks.

i feel farking disfigured, farking useless, farking cowardly.

1 comment:

rykiel said...

U are not useless..perhaps the expectations were too high?
And u shd stop ur hands from scratching ur face.. if u dun stop, sure come out full force.. Be patient, its a virtue.