Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chocolate Wantons

Yep. U read it correctly.
Chocolate wantons.
Fusion is still pretty in.

- Hershey kisses
- Banana, cut into slices
- Peanut butter
- Wanton skins

How to...
Take out a piece of wanton.
Put a teaspoonful of peanut butter in the centre.
Followed by a slice of banana, and finally topped with a kiss!

Wet ur finger and go round the perimeter of the wanton skin.
You can fold it anyway u like as long as it stay closed!

Put all the wantons into hot oil.
Once it turn goldie n with blisters, it's time to take it out.
Drain excess oil on kitchen towel cause u'll rather eat chocolate than o*l right?!

Trust me. U wont ever regret making this.

Afterall, it just dessert.

*pixs coming up soon. cross fingers.

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