Contestant no. 1... CAMAEL!!

Contestant no. 2... ELSIE!!

voting is compulsory.. voting is free.. voting ends 12 October 2008.. voting helps!!
(leave your vote under "comments")
What to engrave on the inside of your husband/wife-to-be ring?
I vote for the first gown. But this gown is kind of tricky. You gotta take gd care of your beautiful legs from now on.
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think i go for the 2nd one. but really, must see u try on la....
i vote for CAMAEL aka enchanter!!
first one is unique. but still must see u wear it.
no. 1 Camael my dear....
Bao Bei, I vote for the 1st gown as well. It look really gorgeous !!!
Dun worry bout the legs part cos now can get sprayed on stocking (",)
Juz find the nicest shoe can le haha...
definitely the first gown.
I'll go fer elsie.....
simple and gorgeous!
pearlyn likes the first gown.. so pretty! u cannot be so chor-lor from now on!! haha =)
camael! camael!! camael!!!
elsie is so not "you"...
got 3rd choice not??? y only try 2!??!
okie okie.. number 1 then, simply becos it's different.. but now u gotta spend a bomb on a pair of cum-fuck-me shoes which also says look-at-me-m-a-virgin-bride...
wahahah!! perfect description!!! so right on dodo!
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