apparantly only me n Mr Loy didn't know that such games exist till last sat. and i realize that me ain't no detective.

The aim is to deduce the details of the murder; that is, the cards in the envelope. There are six different characters, six possible murder weapons and nine different rooms (typically Hall, Lounge, Dining Room, Kitchen, Ballroom, Conservatory, Billiard Room, Library, and Study), giving 324 possible solutions. In the course of determining the details of the murder, players announce suggestions to the other players, for example, "I suggest it was Mrs. White, in the Library, with the Rope." All elements contained in the suggestion are moved into the room in the suggestion. A player may only make a suggestion when his or her piece is in a room and the suggestion can only be for that room.
So as usual, me being the dumb-est, can't seem to grasp the rules of elimination and delayed the game. Sorry AH Lian, Josh, Ijin and ZM!! buy me the game and i'll polish up my detectiv-ing skills!
(*ms scarlett = ah lian)
Ms Scarlett says:
i tink it means u r very pure in ur thinking, not the scheming type like the rest of us hahaha
me aint' no detective.. says:
me aint' no detective.. says:
me aint' no detective.. says:
u sure know how to talk
Ms Scarlett says:
coz this game must plot how 2 deceive others mah
me aint' no detective.. says:
Ms Scarlett says:
its true what
Ms Scarlett says:
so its a gd thing
Ms Scarlett says:
mr loy learn so fast, he sure sibeh scheming HAHHA
me aint' no detective.. says:
ah lian so sweet, tried to assure me that i'm not so dumb.
so who wants join me at my next board game outing??!!
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