Was a very goood (and expensive!!!)trip. The crew were nice with the exception of 1 b**tch. But nvm lar, that's the airline industry for you, me, us.
I have none of my allowance left after my "Coach raid" in New York. Bought a...


In fact, it's the Legacy bag that wiped me out CLEAN. And i admit i wasn't strong enough to resist it's charm... =(
So sian.. Got no more long flight till 14th Jan. How the heck am i going to survive with regional flights and turns...!!! Somemore i'm the junior-est for 90% of the flights. Being the junior-est is no fun especially when the non-ranking and ranking crew are those "super on, must follow black and white, follow company rules and regulation" types. More and more frequently I begin to wonder how much more longer can I hold on..
My temper and mood are very roller-coaster, very eccentric. I don't know how to comprehand myself, I don't know how to communicate with others, I don't know how to express myself. I don't even know myself anymore.
I need to pick myself up. The question is how, when and who will help...
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