Just back from an 8 days Frankfurt/ New York... Actually back since 7th Dec liao... Just that i lazy to log on...
Was a very goood (and expensive!!!)trip. The crew were nice with the exception of 1 b**tch. But nvm lar, that's the airline industry for you, me, us.
I have none of my allowance left after my "Coach raid" in New York. Bought a...

Legacy Signature Satchel

Signature Stripe Pouch (in brown color)
In fact, it's the Legacy bag that wiped me out CLEAN. And i admit i wasn't strong enough to resist it's charm... =(
So sian.. Got no more long flight till 14th Jan. How the heck am i going to survive with regional flights and turns...!!! Somemore i'm the junior-est for 90% of the flights. Being the junior-est is no fun especially when the non-ranking and ranking crew are those "super on, must follow black and white, follow company rules and regulation" types. More and more frequently I begin to wonder how much more longer can I hold on..
My temper and mood are very roller-coaster, very eccentric. I don't know how to comprehand myself, I don't know how to communicate with others, I don't know how to express myself. I don't even know myself anymore.
I need to pick myself up. The question is how, when and who will help...