* long long post below. read if u have the time to waste*I never thought that i will be so “lucky” to meet the rogue agent.
I was surfing for flats online, and decided to call this particular agent to arrange for viewing.
**May 9th 2009:**
i called the agent a couple of times bout 3ish, but the line was engaged. So i reckon he will call back.
When he called back bout 4ish, i tried making arrangement for viewing on the same day. He said 7pm was ok.
Agent: “sorry mdm. Have to cancel viewing 2day. Can we do it on Monday @ 8pm? Thanks.”
Me: “sure. Jus to confirm, blk 206 is a 4a unit?”
Agent: “yes mdm. C u on Monday 8pm. :)”

**May 11th 2009, 659pm:**
Me: “meeting at 8pm confirm?”
Agent: “Confirmed. Thank u.”
We arrived at the void deck at 755pm. Waited till 810pm. Called the agent...
Me: “hello? We made appointment for viewing today at 8pm.”
Agent: “oh? Is it today?”
Me: “yes. I text you just now”
Agent: “oh..i thought it was tomorrow!”
Me: “no, it’s for today. U said to make it for today.”
Agent: “tell you what, i will call the owner and tell them u’re going up to see the unit. After you view finish, you gimme a call.”
He gave me wrong unit number also lor...
**May 12th 2009, 1058am:**
Me:”issit possible to fax me the valuation report over to me?”
He called me back at 11am.
“hey sister, sorry ah. I’m out of the office. Can’t fax you the report. What u want to know? I can read it out to u”
Please lar!! I’m neither blind nor illiterate. I need to see concrete evidence de lor...
306pm called to pressure me again.
559pm miss call.
604pm 2nd miss call.
723pm again.
724pm i called back.
“hey, i need to view the unit in the noon before i can sign any papers.”
Agent:”sister! Not possible lar! No one at home in the noon time”
“then make it on a weekend noon then.”
Agent:“cannot lar. I dun wan drag this unit on anymore. I usually do private properties de. My seller buy a private from me, then i do him a favour n help him sell this. HDB unit are a waste of my time de. You can see online i only have 2 or3 hdb. The rest is all private. If u want to check out the noon sun, you go to the void deck lar. It’s the same. Also, hdb build ledges outside the window, sure can block out the sun.”
Me:” then can i just confirm regarding the grant amount?”
Agent:”first timer 30k. Wei sister! U got 30k grant liao u still want to lower price. 30k a lot liao lei. Means u buying the flat at 410+10! so cheap liao wat else u want?”
HELLO!!! My grant has COMPLETELY nothing to do with u!!!! U not happy u complain to the government lar!!!
Mr Loy:”ok, we are ok with the price. But we must view the unit on a weekend noon.”
Agent:”it’s not possible.”
“what u mean not possible? I’m asking for a viewing on a weekend noon when the person is at home!”
“it can’t be done. Anyway i wasted too much time on u. I take it as u not interested in this unit and it’s a no deal.”
Me learning to be more gracious, trying to take in all these shit, decides to keep cool and absorb my lesson.
**May 12th 2009, 830pm: / May 13th, 1206am:**
(all text from agent concurrently. i didn't reply him coz was trying to keep cool)
WTFH??Imagine if i told him i was preggie, most probably he will curse at the unborn child also lor...
shocked by his behaviour. We wasn’t rude to him, we didn’t even raise our voice at all. We didn’t f**k him when he missed appt or got my name wrong or got the unit wrong.
You and I didn't even meet face to face, or rather you didn't even bother to try meeting us up! Worst of all, our 5 phone conversations each lasted 'bout about 15mins!
This is my first flat. Is it wrong of us to want view the unit(the 2nd time) when the noon sun hits in? Is my request over the top, or am i asking for the impossible?
I can comprehend that you want sell as fast as possible, but hey! Pls understand that i have never purchase a flat before, that's why i have that much of doubts, uncertainties and anxiety.
Yet he shot us this kind of shit.
Dear Mr Teo,

Nick Teo, HSR
(mobile: +65 9851500/ +65 9115 0555)
Karma bites back twice harder on the person who says it. I think you are just a sore immature adult, who doesn’t know how to leave the stage graciously. My heart goes out to you, and may God bless you.