Tuesday, April 08, 2008

the mere thought of packing my cargo bag for flight already makes me squirm and wriggle in pure agony.

the realization that I'm going for a flight tonight, makes my stomach churn and do a triple somersault.

the thought of "socializing"and making pointless small talks with other flypeople, makes me wanna clean my stomach(vomit lar!!).

the fact that time is ticking by, and preparation for work gets closer by... i want to resign immediately.

When will i ever get the job that i like, that i want?
I've tried those jobs which i thought i might like. In fact, I've tried so many that some strangers call me a job-hopper.

It's not as if i like to go for endless round of interviews? It's not as if i like to wait anxiously for the phone calls. It's not as if i like to scroll through the Classified to blackened my hands, and look for a job?
I too want a stable, prospective, twice a year bonus-full, monthly wallet happy job.

I hate paying other flygirls to BUY an off days. And it's not just paying them, me have to cajole, convince, beg, stalk, pray, and offer an even higher price. And all for just an off day. It gets especially frustrating when the day i want off is just a normal weekday!! I'm sure u can imagine how much worse-er it can get during X'mas and NY eve and CNY and all those other important dates in our Singaporean calendar.

Enough ranting..
I'm in a super foul mood..

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